Marco Pierobon - Concerto di Natale
Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento Direttore e Trombettista Marco Pierobon

Franz Xaver Gruber: Stille Nacht (Halleiner Fassung 1836)
Irving Berlin: White Christmas
Alfonso M. De Liguori: Tu scendi dalle stelle
James Lord Pierpont: Jingle Bells, or The One Horse Open Sleigh
Anonymus: O Tannenbaum
Hugh Martin, Ralph Blane: Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Nat K. Cole: The Christmas Song
John Lennon: Happy Xmas
Duke Ellington: The Nutcracker Suite, per orchestra (Čajkovskij/Elllington/Pierobon)
Mariah Carey: All I want for Christmas is you
Al Jarreau: Christmas
Jule Styne: Let it snow
Fred Coots: Santa Claus is coming to town
Oh Happy Day
Peter Wilhousky: Carol of the bells
Georg Friedrich Händel: Joy to the world
Leroy Anderson: Sleigh ride
Frosty the Snowman
José Feliciano: Felice navidad
ingresso euro 21.50
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